Getting In and Out of Rhythm with TaKeTina

Last month I had the opportunity to spend a full day at a TaKeTiNa workshop. TaKeTi Na is a musical process originated by Austrian percussionist Reinhard Flatischler. It is an opportunity to learn about the world of rhythm and how rhythmic knowledge can open new pathways to learning and self-definition

One of the key principles of TaKeTiNa is the interplay of order and chaos. Participants are given the opportunity to fall in and out of rhythm in a safe environment and the sessions are structured to facilitate that process. The dance between falling in and out of rhythm is where the opportunities for learning occur. The TaKeTiNa circle is a place where it really is ok to let things fall apart and fall back together again. It’s a beautiful reflection of how we live our lives day in and day out, going in and out of rhythm. How are you, when you step out of rhythm in you own life. Are you able to take a breath, stop and join back in again to life? I found myself becoming frustrated and a bit off centered when I lost my rhythm. Yet, taking a breath, I came back to center again, recognizing that within chaos lies order.
TaKeTiNa is known as the forgotten power of rhythm. It is a profound rhythm experience wherein the body itself is the instrument. Using simple steps, clapping, and call-and-response singing, we internalize the simultaneous constructions. Through rhythmic physical exploration, we recognize that the tools we use in more analytical processes are not useful for all types of learning. We accept that our failures are equally useful as our successes, and we learn to exult in falling in and out of rhythm.

The TaKeTiNa process is built on Rhythm Archetypes–a mirroring of rhythmic laws and universal images in our unconscious and a genetic imprint passed down through all time. These archetypes have been uncovered by every culture on earth. In TaKeTiNa, these laws have been synthesized into a coherent process that enables everyone to access his or her own rhythmic ability. 

In TaKeTiNa, music, dance, communication, neurological research, and chaos theory are integrated to create a new process for learning and transformation. I noticed that it is nearly impossible to do two different movements simultaneously using only an active, controlled awareness.  However, I did notice, that if I allowed myself to slip into a passive state, almost unconscious, that I was able to slip back into rhythmm.

Chaos is a natural and vital part of the rhythmic process and performs the same role in human physiology.  At certain intervals every organism falls from it’s existing order into a state of chaos and then back again
The challenge in rhythmic chaos is to let go of control, to allow confusion.  When we learn to drop out of the rhythm without panic, we find returning to it happens by itself”. How are you, when you slip into not knowing, into uncertainty? Do you constrict yourself or allow for expansion? Do you surrender into the present moment or resist it?

TaKeTiNa provides a wonderful mirror for personal processes that enables participants to transform patterns inhibiting ones life and relationships. Being guided into a state of rhythmic simultaneity, one experiences a mode of being both active, and at the same time passive.  Sooner or later as the established steps and claps are challenged, participants experience a state of falling in and out of rhythm.

TaKeTiNa is a profound rhythmic body of knowledge, which impacts on the body’s natural rhythms A natural rhythmic orientation that develops rhythmic competence and creativity. It is a mirror for personal processes that enables participants to transform behavior patterns inhibiting ones life and relationships.  It creates deep relaxation and vitalization of the nervous system and body rhythms.

The process of TaKeTiNa is deceptively simple but it is a surprisingly effective method of teaching rhythm. It works closely with body rhythms, stepping, clapping, chanting, laughing, falling in and out of rhythm. It is easy, playful, simple and enjoyable whilst at the same time being a profoundly unique experience. The beauty of TaKeTiNa is that there is no pressure to get it right – making mistakes is all part of the fun! Ta TaKeTiNa relaxes, rejuvenates and revitalizes the nervous system.

Difficult to describe in words, best experienced!

The Soul of the Heart Sacred Circles – Deep Healing From Within

The Soul of the Heart Sacred Circles helps you release long held patterns and behaviors that prevent you from fully living your life’s potential through Inner Resolution facilitation. Inner resolution facilitation helps you release traumas that have been passed on from generation to generation. When these traumas are resolved, it enables you to step fully into your life, and live your life well.  

These Sacred Circles offer the opportunity to explore areas in your life that keep you stuck in self limiting beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, behaviors and habits. By creating a safe and sacred space, you are able to uncover the hidden truths within your life and move forward with an open heart. Release the burdens of your past and allow the natural flow of love, compassion, peace and forgiveness to be in your every breath and heartbeat.

The Soul of the Heart Sacred Circles are an eclectic  approach to resolution that combines a variety of healing techniques based on Hellinger’s Family Systemic Constellation work, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, sacred ritual and ceremony.  This unique form of Family Counseling, addresses the Soul of the Family. These circles expose the hidden dynamics within families and systems that are behind the traumas and misfortunes we experience in our lives. This experiential process, works at a deeper soul level than conventional counseling. Creating deep resolution with these circles brings more immediate and lasting impact than techniques that address the mind alone.

In addition to addressing family issues, these sacred circles can help you resolve issues around health, job, finances, life transition and the full spectrum of life’s unique orchestration of change. If you are experiencing major shifts and uncertainties in your life, perhaps you may want to be a part of a Soul of the Heart Sacred Circle or have an individual session with me.

Would you like to create a sacred circle of intimate friends and family to witness and honor your commitment to stepping fully into the infinite possibilities of your life?  Then take this moment to contact me and create your own unique and individualized circle.  Allow the journey of your soul to begin.

Currently, The Soul of the Heart Sacred Circle” is being offered at Unity of the Valley in Eugene, Oregon

If you would like a Soul of the Heart Sacred Circle in your area, please contact me.

The Healing Presence of Braco

A few weeks ago, I was invited by a dear friend to go to Portland, Oregon to be in an all day workshop with a man by the name of Braco (pronounced Brahts-zo) ( America/Welcome.html)  who is from Croatia. I had never heard of him of before nor was familiar with what he did. I went because my friend said she was told by her friends that being in his presence was unlike anything they had experienced before. She said that he didn’t talk, he only silently gazed. And, that within that gaze, people had experienced spontaneous healings and relief from ailments that they had. I researched him before the workshop and my curiosity was peeked. So, with an open heart and mind, I went to the workshop having no expectations other than to be in the room with him. We arrived early in the morning at the location of the event and there were hundred’s of people waiting to go into the main room to be in the presence of the silent gazer.

As we were waiting in line to go into the room, I was filled with anticipation, curiosity and excitement. People from all walks of life were standing in line with us. My friend and I briefly chatted with the folks around us wondering if they had seen Braco before, what it was like and why they were there. Though the reasons were different, everyone was there to receive some sort of healing either for themselves or for their loved ones.

From what I had learned, Braco’s gazing sessions lasted 5 – 10 minutes, because this is all it takes for people to experience the energy and take away its gift. Sometimes that gift manifests spontaneously in the moments of the gazing session itself, and sometimes people take time to undergo their changes. During gazing sessions, most people report feeling energy flowing through their bodies, feeling heat, seeing Braco’s aura and feelings of immense love and joy. Some people even receive answers to difficult life questions, and experience a sense that something completely positive and unique has touched their lives.  

When we were all seated in the room, a woman introduced who Braco was and briefly talked about what she recommended we do during the “gazing” session. She answered a couple of questions and then sat down in her chair. A few minutes later Braco entered the room and walked up onto the stage. The lights were dimmed and he began to silently gaze into the audience. I stood with my eyes opened and waited. There was a part of me that was skeptical and there was a part that was open and ready to receive the “gaze”. As I stood there, I felt my heart open and chills running throughout my body. Tears began to fill my eyes and I felt as though I was in the presence of a holy one. My mind became still and my heart continued to open. When the session was done, Braco quietly stepped off the stage and left the room. The room was still and felt peaceful. As we were escorted out, people either had a smile on their face or were crying. Something had shifted in the room and it was beautiful.

I spent all day at the workshop going to one gazing session after another. When the last one was done, I was exhausted yet refreshed and somehow lighter. I am still continuing to notice the subtle shifts that I experienced on that day.

Through Braco’s silent gaze, he has become a conduit for energy so powerful that over two hundred thousand people visit him each year in Europe, and countless people have experienced not only physical healing miracles, but life transformations and new levels of personal empowerment. Braco does not speak to people or do hands on healings. He has achieved an elevated state of consciousness that allows him to raise people up with him in group gazing sessions, so that people’s own inner sparks and the connection to Source are strengthened. As a results people’s bodies heal, they get their own answers and feel more positive in their lives. There are many great healers in this world, but I have never encountered one who can give a gift to the people at this level.

Braco has just recently come to the United States and his gift has been graciously received. If you have an opportunity, I would invite you to experience one or more of his gazing sessions.